Why does my hand hurt so much when i write? - example of hand written wills
Well, this kind of sounds like I'm stupid
What I mean is that if I write three-page example, an article very quickly, because only 15 minutes, my hands start to ache at the end.
Whereas, if I pressured to do it my hand started cramping and pain very quickly.
Why is this happening?
Is there a way to stop or prevent?
Review essay tomorrow, 4 tests in one hour
I can not write when my hand hurts: /
more pressure squeezes close ...
as a very thick feathers, which is almost hard to understand ... muscles of the fingers and will be responsible, rather than Nuckles and wrist ...
They have a lot of tension in the body (and no, it seems that you are stupid, that I had the same problem, and I'm sure) many other people. The remedy is to simply relax. Relax the muscles of the hand. Then the arms, then his shoulders. Would you do this, because the tension between our hands by our guns and finally through the rest of the body. Therefore, we must learn and practice good posture is so important. Voltage drops and falls further improve posture. (On a different note struck me with the best response to these points, you can thanx ya dig).
You need to rest their hands more. Are the cramps and pain, because you stretched up.
Since the rest are 30 seconds every 5 minutes. The last thing we want is RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury)
Good luck with your exam test questions
The celebration of his pen too hard. Loosen the pressure. Either that, or carpal tunnel. Let's hand.
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